
Through an extensive time of prayer this week, the Lord alerted us to the state of affairs with America and its treatment of Israel. The Lord resolved in ou spirit concerning the judgments which are falling upon America concerning the tornados. The Lord showed us the following:
1. The judgments are due to breaking covenant. They put in motion consequences which are deadly and destructive.
2. God cannot prevent the legality consequences of breaking covenant. They can be averted through repentance and change by God's covenant people. 

The Lord showed us that Israel is being put against the wall and being betrayed by the American government and will have disastrous consequences this year, regarding tornados, hurricanes, and famine. The Lord showed me whilst some of these storms are cyclical, some are not, and will be timed at the time that America "curses" Israel, and more importantly Abraham. Whoever goes against the PROPHETIC BOUNDARIES OF THE LAND GOD GAVE TO ABRAHAM so will disaster come to the shores of America. 

But if the Church repents, and seeks to be a voice in government, alerting to the dangers of resisting the purposes of God for Israel, so the Lord will pour out revival over the land of America, and God will heal the land, will pour rain and sun in abundance, and shall heal the economy, and bring a great restoration. The Lord exhorts the Church of America to REPENT at this time and receive the prophetic anointing to be a voice in the nation. 

This was in a week when Obama demands that Israel cuts back on the land, make concessions to the was not just the principles, but the way the President did it. He isolated Israel in the efforts.